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This chrome extension helps you save money

Amazon hates it!

In today’s fast-paced world, it’s easy to lose track of our spending habits. We’re surrounded by temptations, online payments have become nearly frictionless, and Buy Now Pay Later platforms continue to grow in popularity. With just a few clicks, we can make purchases online without giving much thought to the long-term financial consequences.

Today we’ll walk you through the features of my latest Chrome extension and show you how it can help you start saving money by being more mindful of your purchases.

The extension works by detecting any USD prices on a webpage and, when hovered over, displaying a popup table that shows the potential value of that amount at different time periods, assuming an 8% annual interest rate. Users can customize the interest rate, time periods, and currency through the extension’s options page.

1. Increased Awareness: By showing the potential long-term value of your money, the extension encourages you to think twice before making a purchase. This increased awareness of the opportunity cost of spending can help you make more informed decisions about whether a purchase is truly worth it.

2. Customization: The extension allows you to customize the interest rate, time periods, and currency to better align with your personal financial goals. This flexibility ensures that the extension remains relevant and useful to you as your financial situation and goals evolve.

3. Easy to Use: The extension is incredibly user-friendly, requiring no setup or configuration…

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