Why cannot we bridge the gap and work for building Community in our classrooms?

Fed up by listening to all these things in the meetings and workplace. When it comes to our classrooms and curriculum, it is not at all aligned with what is written, what is delivered and what has to…


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I believe in you. Believe in yourself too.

When you believe in yourself there is nothing you can’t do, when you believe in yourself you will develop the power to pull through. The world becomes larger, and clearer each day, and you start to develop the courage that you need to get you through even the darkest day.

Your life may seem tough at times, and that’s okay, continue to believe in yourself and your abilities anyway. The challenges you face may seem so much harder, but when you believe in yourself, you will be able to handle them much smarter.

So believe in yourself, and know that I believe in you too, know that there is someone out there who is thinking of you. There are people out there who want you to succeed and do your best, there are people out there who believe in you, and want you to pass the test.

This test of yours is life, and you can get through, just by believing in yourself and all that you can do.

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